Monday, July 14, 2008

Movie: "Wanted" 2008(inspirational shoot em up).

This movie spoke out to me... there was a not so subtle message in this movie. Wanted" tells the tale of one apathetic nobody's transformation into an unparalleled enforcer of justice. He is a hero for a new generation: a 25 year old employed slacker, WESLEY GIBSON. Wes is the most disaffected, cube-dwelling, clock-punching drone this planet has ever known. His boss chews him out hourly, his girlfriend cheats on him & nags him, and his life plods on in interminable boredom and routine. Everyone knows this disengaged slacker will amount to absolutely nothing, and so does he, until he meets the sexy, foxy woman named FOX, and then everything changes. Wes' estranged father is murdered, and the deadly Fox recruits him into The Fraternity, a secret society that trains him to avenge his father's death, by unlocking his dormant skills. As she teaches Wes how to develop his lightning-quick reflexes and phenomenal agility, he discovers that The Fraternity lives by an ancient, unbreakable code: to carry out the death orders given by emotionless Fate itself. Wes, with his wickedly brilliant and sexy tutor, plus the paternal guidance of The Fraternity's enigmatic leader, SLOAN, young Wes grows to enjoy all the strength and success he ever wanted. But, slowly, he realizes there's more to his dangerous associates than meets the casual eye. And, as he wavers between new found heroism and vengeance, Wes will come to learn what no one can ever teach him; that he alone controls his destiny.

Early on in the movie Sloan tells Wes: that he does not have to be lead through life like a sheep, but instead become a wolf, to stand on his own and hunt for what he wants "It a choice, Wesley, that each of us must face: to remain ordinary, pathetic, beat-down, coasting through a miserable existence, like sheep herded by fate, or you can take control of your own destiny and join us, releasing the caged wolf you have inside. Our purpose is to maintain stability in an unstable world - kill one, save a thousand. Within the fabric of this world, every life hangs by a thread. We are that thread - a fraternity of assassins with the weapons of fate. This is the decision that lies before you know: the sheep, or the wolf. The choice is yours."

Then as the movie ends and Wes, has had his eyes opened he gives a slight monologue to the audience. "Six weeks ago I was ordinary and pathetic, just like you. Who am I now? Account manager? Assassin? Just another tool who was mind f#$ked into killing his father. I am all of these. I am none of these. Who am I now? This is not me fulfilling my destiny. This not me following in my fathers footsteps. This is definitely not me saving the world. "

Then Sloan asks him "Still trying to figure out who you are? " and Sloan gets killed. Wesly goes on to complete his monologue; "This *is* me taking control, from Sloan, from the fraternity, from Janis, billing reports, ergonomic keyboards, from cheating girlfriends and sack of shit best friends. This is me taking back control of my life. What the fuck have you done lately? "

It was a great shoot em up action movie, if that is your cup of tea. In short this movie tells one to:

  1. Find out who you are, good, bad, and ugly... accept it.
  2. Find out what you want in life, and out of life.
  3. Find out who you want to become, or what you want to do.
  4. Take responsibility for your choices.
  5. Take action towards your goals and desires.

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